Programming/Non programming

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Android:Basic Animation samples


Basic Animation handling..:

To create basic animations like fade-in, fade-out, scale animation(like zooming..) etc. follow the steps as described below:

1. Create your project as usual.

2. Create a folder called "anim" under "res" folder. It will look like "res/anim"

3. Under "anim" folder, create a empty XML file for animation in the name as you wish. I named that as "fade.xml"

Add and test the following code into that XML file.

*** For "FADE-IN" animation: //in fade.xml

Call it in your code as below for sample:

public void HandleAnimation(View v)
v.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade)); //xml name fade.xml


*** For image "SCALING" animation: //in fade.xml

Call it in your code as below for sample:

public void HandleAnimation(View v)
v.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade));//xml name fade.xml


*** For image "SLIDE FROM LEFT and RIGHT" animation: //in fade.xml

For Push LEFT IN:

For Push LEFT OUT:

Call it in your code as below for sample:

public void HandleAnimation(View v)
v.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade));//xml name fade.xml


*** For "FADE AND AWAY" animation: //in fade.xml

Call it in your code as below for sample:

public void HandleAnimation(View v)
v.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade));//xml name fade.xml


*** For "SHAKE IMAGE" animation:

Add Two .xml files for this. First name it as anything as you wish, add the code below, fade.xml:

Add the second file with the below code and name it as "cycle_7.xml" ,


Call it like below in your code anywhere:

public void HandleAnimation(View v)
v.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade));//xml name fade.xml

You will find shake animation is happening nicely there !!!!!!!!!!!!



Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..


  1. Hello Prabakar...

    I'm Cristian :) I follow your blog because I've learned a lot of android tips. I'm starting in the android programming and this blog is really useful.

    Thank you (and thank Jonathan) for your excellet work :)

  2. i want full code...u did great job plz post full code.:)

  3. its really so useful i really learnt a lot from this blog thanks a lot :)

  4. nice one, liked it :-)
